MetaVerse Thoughts

Posted by Binary Excursions on Sunday, June 26, 2022 with No comments

Since there will be a lot - a whole lot - of discussion about the coming MetaVerse throughout the future posts to come in this blog - I want to acknowledge the current and wide ranging thoughts, opinions, and misconceptions out there about the MetaVerse, and more importantly to preemptively provide a general idea so I can connect with the reader better. I very much want to connect together with a common picture when discussing the MetaVerse.  So, I wanted to address this 8,000 ton gorilla in the room before proceeding with the future postings of this blog.

First, I do not believe the MetaVerse as it has been widely advertised to date is what it's going to actually become.  While no one knows just what the MetaVerse is going to become, I still think that in fact, the vast majority of current advertising has done far more damage to mass, or really any acceptance of the MetaVerse.

The general consensus I have from most professionals and everyday tech users is that the MetaVerse is pretty much a laughable punchline today with joking references to Stephen King's "The Lawnmower Man" or the 1980's classic "Tron."

MetaVerse As VR:

As much of the hype around the MetaVerse has been displayed as interactions with weird cartoon characters - the thought of having a discussion with a virtual "weeble-Wobble" (Hasbro)" isn't appealing - no matter if its hair color is purple, blue, pink, red, or chartreuse...  Regardless - the idea is not at all enticing personally - let alone professionally.  Not to mention, no one is going to work all day wearing some bulky headset no matter how many "planets" they can transport their conference call to take place on.

VR worlds have been offered in some way since VR first came on the scene, and they've never really made much impact.  VR has - VR worlds have not (Gaming aside).  I think most people want to interact with their world, at least on some level and not be taken completely away from it.  I think if the pandemic proved anything, it is this fact.  So it would appear, most people don't consider VR a "connecting & engaging" experience - otherwise we most likely would have already jumped on that bandwagon. 

To that note, I do believe VR will play more of a role in the MetaVerse than it is already in some industries such as:

  • Gaming
  • Entertainment
  • Business - to some extent.  NOT as a massively consuming component
  • Engineering
  • 3D Printing
  • Medical research (ie: Cellular/Organ structures)
  • Military & Law-enforcement Training
However, I think the MetaVerse as strictly a VR "thing" is looking at the MetaVerse as it would be to look at mobile as little more than simple mobile apps that make random sounds.  It's the basic start - but long term success in today's technical world requires real useful purpose beyond the novelty,  and I believe what the MetaVerse is going to become is beyond even the growth of mobile today from its beginnings. 

I believe the biggest VR issue with the MetaVerse is that the MetaVerse is being discussed as "Constantly Connected to - A normal and engaging part of your normal day-to-day, etc...  IE: You're regularly, easily, and naturally interacting with the promise and services of the MetaVerse - VR does not give us that.

MetaVerse & Web3:

Second, I think adding to the confusion around the MetaVerse, is the mixing of the MetaVerse vs Web3.  It is a mistake to think of the MetaVerse as Web3 rather than a component of it.  This is tantamount to thinking of a single social media platform as Web 2.0 rather than a component of it.  ie: Posting what you ate for breakfast is a part of Web 2.0 just as is video conferencing, entertainment, and our educational experiences along with the business opportunities Web 2.0 has brought us. 

Note: I'm using Web3 and Web 3.0 interchangeably.  If that means nothing to you, don't worry about it.  Industry will eventually change the nuances between the two anyways.

Obviously, no one really knows what Web3 or the MetaVerse is going to become, but here are a few VERY high level generalizations:

  • Symantec (Fully decentralized Machine-2-Machine comms)
  • Spacial (AR along with engaging wearables)
    • Additionally, hyper engagement interconnected grids, cities, and nations will become common place
  • MetaVerse (What the spacial ecosystem will be referred to along with elements of VR - which will be combined very much with AR)
There's nothing saying I am correct about the above, but where we sit today, it's a place where many have been discussing as a potential starting point.  My gut feel is that it is going to be a massive combination of these.

Essentially becoming a digitally connected world (5G - a lot more to this than just "faster") where we wear our entire device which will overlay information in front of us and we control via our wearables (we are a walking IoT node) - in very much the real world with a highly engaging and hyper useful AR world.

By "wear our device" - it will be functionality that is a combination of connections being made up of our clothes, rings, bracelets, earrings, watches, glasses, etc...

Also, keep in mind that the overlays will be supplemental to our real interactions with our very real world.   The point is, people will still be actually walking down the street and engaging with real people - not stuck in a chair with some huge contraption on their heads talking to weeble-wobble figures with no legs. 

And if there's any doubt what the term "wearables" is going to mean in the near future, or if you still consider "smart watches" as the full spectrum of wearables today...

Then, if you haven't already - check out these super-ninjas from Mojo Vision for some provoking thoughts:

Also, to be certain we never forget a major Giant of Tech (regardless of various opinions) - Microsoft!  These folks are some of the best and what they have done at every turn of new and up-and-coming tech over the past 40+ years is virtually unmatched.  Now it appears the MetaVerse and Web3 are going to be no different.  They are making some amazing progress and producing some absolutely incredible pushes for the MetaVerse with their Mesh.  Highly recommend you check it out - legit...

In full transparency, here's a link to a  Meta Horizon World which appears to disagree with my view of the MetaVerse.  Again, like I said - no one knows what the MetaVerse is going to become so it is possible Meta World's version is spot-on and I'm completely wrong.  Again, full transparency. 

Decentralized MetaVerse:

Thirdly, the fully decentralize aspect of Web3 has been getting a lot of traction - and for good reason!  Most people think of crypto-currency when discussing decentralized computing.  This is a 100% great way to look at it,  but IPFS (disk storage) is often not understood or overlooked, but is also a great architectural example of a decentralized future.  However, there are still centralized aspects, even with crypto or IPFS storage providers.

  • Crypto minders are more often than not, using a "centralized" cloud provider for their computing to mine a block to add to the coin's blockchain.
  • There are custom server farms with specialized HW which organizations and people have built, but even that is at least quasi centralized.
  • There are Filecoin suppliers using cloud providers for their storage
Just as an aside, I don't know of anyone using mobile to mine crypto or support IPFS at scale - but if there is anyone doing this - PLEASE let us know in the comments!

So even centralized - cloud providers still play a significant role in today's decentralized ecosystem and are likely to play an equally important role to Web3 and the MetaVerse's capabilities and success - at least for some considerable time.   

However, I think where we will see significant changes is with today's service providers' business models and strategies as they will need to move from the centralized to decentralized mindsets.  

I think those that don't will go by way of BlockBuster video failing to see what Netflix saw.


In closing - I just wanted to post this article so that as Web3 and the MetaVerse are being discuss going forward in post relating to other topics, that the readers of this blog have a gist regarding what the envisioned, possible MetaVerse looks like that I'm thinking of and referencing.

I do believe the MetaVerse is coming and its success is going to be overwhelming and awesome!  I am actually extremely excited about it!  However, it will not be a world of happy glowing, legless "weeble-wobbles" wiggling around on some purple people eater methane planet - at least I really hope not.